Mr. Smith’s Sub Work

1st Period – Web Design & 4th Period – Multimedia Publishing

  1. Go to
  2. Underneath Tutorials, click on HTML
  3. Under the HTML Basics section, click on and read each of the links starting with Introduction and ending with How to Learn More.
  4. Finish up with Take the Quiz
  5. When you get your score, use the Snipping Tool to take a screenshot and save it to the Desktop. (Click here to learn how to open and use the Snipping Tool to take a screenshot.) I will ask that you show me the screenshot later for a grade for completing the quiz.


2nd and 7th Period – Digital Literacy

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Student Login at the top
  3. Click Sign in with Google
  4. Sign in with your email address.
  5. Click the Start button on the Beginner tab
  6. Begin the lessons. The goal is to learn to type without looking at your fingers. This is not a dumb skill. If you go into any profession, you will undoubtedly have to type. The faster you can type without looking, the more time you have to get your job done.
  7. I expect you to type at least 35 minutes without looking at your fingers in the class period.


3rd Period – Advanced Multimedia Publishing

  1. Visit
  2. Start learning about different camera shots by reading through the list. Check out the YouTube videos that demonstrate the different types of shot. There is a lot of material on this page but learning about it will help us make some nice movies. So please take it seriously and try to remember what you read and see.


6th Period – CIS101

  1. Review the following PowerPoint:
  2. I will be lecturing on this when I get back. It will help to familiarize yourself with the material.